October 4, 2016

Dry Ice Production

We offer dry ice pellet production manufactured locally in El Paso which will give you the following benefits:

  • Less dry ice loss due to sublimation
  • More flexibility as you always have freshly produced dry ice at your disposal
  • Better and faster cleaning results because the fresher the dry ice the more effective the cleaning
  • Less dry ice used
  • Shorter production standstills
  • Less time and money spent on buying and transporting

All these benefits lead to more quality and flexibility in the daily working process and remarkable cost savings.

Better and faster cleaning results

The fresher the dry ice, the better the cleaning results. Eliminates, dry ice clumping together resulting in more application use. With dry ice stored for several days the cleaning time can take twice as long or longer than cleaning with freshly produced dry ice.

Less dry ice use

As the cleaning results are better with freshly produced dry ice we can produce your dry ice on demand and on time, you don’t have to store ice for several days. This way the loss due to sublimation is reduced dramatically.

More flexibility

We can produce your dry ice whenever you need it on demand and on time. This way dry ice use can be easily integrated into the daily working process and planed as fixed cycle times.

Shorter production downtime

As we freshly produce your dry ice it ensures faster cleaning results, your production stoppages are also shortened.

Less logistical expenditures

With our 24/7 dry ice production you do not have to worry about where and when to purchase your dry ice, what time it will be delivered and how long you have to store it. We can produce it on demand and on time and not for expensive out of town old dry ice delivery.

All these benefits lead to more flexibility and quality in the daily working process you require to reduce costs and increase productivity.